David E. Rival

In July 2023, Prof. Dr.-Ing. David E. Rival became Head of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics at TU Braunschweig. Prior to his appointment, he was an associate professor at Queen’s University in Canada. In 2020, Dr. Rival was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt research fellowship for his year-long sabbatical in Munich. Among his various accomplishments, he completed his doctoral studies on the aerodynamics of dragonfly flight at TU Darmstadt, worked as a postdoctoral associate at MIT on shape morphing in nature, and held a tenure-track research chair on atmospheric sensing at the University of Calgary. Dr. Rival’s lab is involved in a number of international research collaborations sponsored by, for instance, AFOSR and NATO, and has been featured on David Suzuki’s The Nature of Things as well as on the Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet show.