Alberto Guardone
- Network Coordinator
- Coordinator of WP6
- Chair of Recruitment board
- Supervisor for doctoral researchers:
- DR1: Robust design of a multi-level ice detection system for rotorcraft and propellers
- DR3: Robust design of a three-dimensional thermal ice protection system
- DR4: Ice accretion on Urban Air Mobility Vehicles
- DR8: Multi-physics simulation of mechanical de-icing of aircraft
- DR11: Heterogeneous nucleation in a propagating wall bounded supercooled drop
- DR12: Dynamics and properties of a mushy layer formed by solidification of supercooled water
Degree in Aerospace Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 1998 with a thesis title “Non classical gasdynamics: thermodynamic modelling and numerical simulation of multidimensional flows of BZT fluids”. Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 2002 with a thesis title “New results on computational methods for compressible flows on unstructured grids”. As a post-doctoral researcher he worked like a senior research at the Energy Technology Section, Process & Energy Department at Delft University of Technology and subsequently at the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology at Politecnico di Milano. From 2007 he was Assistant Professor in Fluid Mechanics at the same University in Milano and now he is full professor of Fluid Mechanics.