Michele Picciolo

Michele Picciolo was born in 1996 in Milazzo, Sicily. He studied Aerospace Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Turin, following the undergraduate course “EASA PART 66” and graduated in 2018. He then continued his studies by enrolling in the MSc course in Aerospace Engineering at the same university, with his studies focused on fluid dynamics thanks to courses such as turbulent flows and experimental aerodynamics. During this time, he was involved in the computational fluid dynamics division of the EOLITO student team, working on developing green energy from a vertical-axis wind turbine. His thesis, “Prediction of fluid dynamic fields using machine learning-based approaches”, was entirely developed in the Politecnico’s aeronautical laboratory over a period of almost 11 months, during which several experiments were conducted in the wind tunnel, which enabled him to obtain his master’s degree in April 2022.
Michele is a MSCA PhD student at the ONERA in Toulouse where he’s currently experimental investigating the effects of ice roughness on the laminar-turbulent transition and on the transitional region.