Elmar Bonaccurso

- Supervisor for doctoral researchers:
- Mentor for doctoral researchers:
Elmar Bonaccurso is eXpert for Functional Surfaces @ Airbus Central R&T Materials, where he joined in 2014. He previously held positions of Research Group Leader @ Center of Smart Interfaces of TU Darmstadt (2010-2014) and of Group Leader @ Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz (2005-2010).
He was PostDoc @ University of Genova (Marie Curie Fellowship | 2003-2005) and @ Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (Max Planck Fellowship | 2002-2003).
Elmar was awarded a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Siegen and Mainz (1998-2001) and holds a MEng in Computer Science & Engineering from University of Genova (1992-1998).
He was coordinator of 2 EU projects and partner in other 16 public-funded projects (EU and national).
He is mentor for young researchers in the Mentoren-Netzwerk MPIP (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research) and in the Graphene Flagship; he supervised 14 PhD students (13 finished, one currently @ Airbus).
Elmar has held an Affiliate Professorship @ Department of Mechanical, Industrial & Aerospace Engineering of Concordia University in Montreal since September 2017.