To experimentally investigate the dynamics and thickness of liquid films at low temperatures and improve predictions of liquid films transition into rivulets
- To predict the transition of the water film into rivulets on a rigid surface and which rivulet pattern is adopted
- Test different experimental approaches as fast imagery and LED Induced Fluorescence to analyze water film transition into rivulets
- Investigate water film thickness by a resistive method
Design and virtual certification of a hybrid ice mitigation system (PWG2)
- M. Al-Khalil et al., Development of an improved model for runback water on aircraft surfaces, Journal of Aircraft, vol. 31, no. 2, 1994
- E. Thompson and M.R. Marrochello, Rivulet formation in surface-water flow on an airfoil in rain, AIAA Journal, vol37, no. 1, January 1999
- Kai Zhang. An experimental study of wind-driven surface water transport process pertinent to aircraft icing. PhD thesis, Iowa State University, 2015