Belén Bonet Jara

- Doctoral researcher:
Belén was born in 1999 in Alicante, Spain. She obtained her Degree in Aerospace Engineering with specialization in Aerospace Science and Technology in 2021 from the Technical University of Madrid. That same year she was awarded the Academic Excellence Scholarship of Madrid and the “Mujer e Ingeniera” Scholarship of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering. From 2021 to 2023, she pursued a joint Master’s degree specializing in Turbomachinery Aeromechanics at KTH University, Stockholm, and Université de Liège, Belgium. She was part of the ARiAS project, where she contributed as part of a team to the study of the aeroelastic behavior of a transonic compressor by CFD analysis. As part of her Master Thesis, she also contributed to the EleFanT project for the development of an electric ducted fan through the study of the design of its fan case by numerical simulation.
At present, she is is a first-year MSCA Ph.D. Fellow at the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology at Politecnico di Milano and part of TRACES Doctoral Network, taking the role DR8. Her research focuses on the multi-physics simulation of mechanical de-icing of aircraft, specifically with the aim to evaluate and establish methods for electromechanical de-icing