Mariachiara Gallia

- PWG Manager
- Member of Exploitation Board
- Supervisor for doctoral researchers:
- DR2: Virtual certification tools and procedures for in-flight ice accretion
- DR3: Robust design of a three-dimensional thermal ice protection system
- DR5: Experimental investigation of the effects of ice roughness on the laminar-turbulent transition and the transitional region
- DR12: Dynamics and properties of a mushy layer formed by solidification of supercooled water
- DR14: Direct numerical simulation of the ice accretion process
- Mentor for doctoral researchers
Mariachiara Gallia is a senior scientist at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics, with a research focus on in-flight ice accretion. She obtained her Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. from Politecnico di Milano, with her Ph.D. research focusing on developing a numerical framework for the robust design and optimization of electro-thermal ice protection systems (ETIPS) for fixed and rotary-wing aircraft. During her Ph.D., she contributed to the development of PoliMIce, an in-house software for ice accretion, and participated in the European project ICE-GENESIS to develop next-generation 3D simulation tools for icing. In 2022 she has been awarded the “Amelia Earhart Fellowship”, which is awarded annually to up to 30 women pursuing Ph.D./doctoral degrees in aerospace engineering and space sciences. Her main research interests include ice accretion, numerical simulation and optimization of ETIPS, icing wind tunnel testing measurement techniques, roughness characterization of ice shapes and their effect on convective heat transfer, uncertainty quantification, robust optimization, computational fluid dynamics, and machine learning for fluid dynamics.