TRACES | TRAining the next generation iCE researcherS

Reda Kamal

Heat transfer at the interface during droplet induced ice layer growth

WP1, WP2

Ever wondered what happens when tiny droplets from clouds hit an airplane?  🌩️

➡️ Reda’s PhD research ventures into the fascinating world of heat transfer during droplet impacts, crucial for understanding ice formation on aircraft. By studying these interactions, we can optimize energy use in anti/de-icing systems, making air travel more efficient and sustainable.

🔎 Catch a glimpse of the science behind the scenes and discover how even the smallest droplets can make a big impact! 💧✈

Individual Research Committee

Host Institution

Technische Universtät Darmstadt

Joint Institution

Politecnico di Milano

Industrial Secondment

Safran Aerotechnics SAO-DSFF


Office National d’Etudes et de Researches Aérospatiales