To devise ice scaling laws and simulate in-flight icing on UAM with ducted rotors
- To numerically investigate the ice and snow accretion phenomena on small scale UAM
- Data gathered through the project will be used to investigate a possible scaling law for the icing problem and to assess the performance of UAM in icing and snow conditions
Detection of ice conditions and real-time power control of IPS (PWG1)
- Scroger, S., Palacios, J., & Han, Y. (2020). Urban Air Mobility Rotor Icing Performance Characterization and Prediction. In AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM (p. 2816).
- Karpen, N., Diebald, S., Dezitter, F., & Bonaccurso, E. (2022). Propeller-integrated airfoil heater system for small multirotor drones in icing environments: Anti-icing feasibility study. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 201, 103616.
- Scroger, S. P., Palacios, J., & Han, Y. (2020). Empirical modeling of urban air mobility rotor icing thrust degradation. In AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA.