TRACES | TRAining the next generation iCE researcherS

Michele Picciolo's picture

Michele Picciolo

Experimental investigation of the effects of ice roughness on the laminar-turbulent transition and the transitional region

WP1, WP2

Did you know ice build-up on aircraft wings can dramatically change airflow?❄️🧊✈️ 

When ice forms, smooth (laminar) airflow may turn turbulent, increasing drag and reducing efficiency.

🎓 In his PhD research, Michele is investigating laminar-turbulent transition when ice is present, using wind tunnel experiments and numerical simulations. By studying the rough surface created by ice🧊 ❄️, the goal is to improve predictions and design safer, more efficient aircraft.

Individual Research Committee

Host Institution

Office National d’Etudes et de Researches Aérospatiales

Maxime Forte

Joint Institution

Technische Universtät Braunschweig

Industrial Secondment

Dassault Aviation

Flavien Biliard


Politecnico di Milano