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The Opening Training School of the MSCA Doctoral Network TRACES is just around the corner. Next week, from Monday 15 to Friday 19, doctoral researchers, beneficiaries, industrial partners, and the advisory board of TRACES will get together at the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology of Politecnico di Milano, in Milan (Italy).
Experts from academia, industry, and certifying agencies will hold advanced training on in-flight icing to provide the doctoral students of TRACES with the best background to achieve the goal of their cutting-edge research projects.
The technical lectures are public and will be streamed. The agenda, along with the Webex links to attend online the open lectures, will be made available at the page Opening Training School.
The Opening Training School week will be enriched by additional activities: on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, each doctoral student will have a dedicated time to meet personally with their research committee. Informal one-on-one meetings will be scheduled to allow doctoral students to get to know each other better. In addition, as a real added value of the TRACES Opening Training School, doctoral students will meet all academic and industrial partners, having a unique opportunity to network with key players in the European aeronautics landscape. Fruitful discussions among all partners will be fostered by social and get-together activities.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) European Joint Doctoral Network TRACES
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) European Joint Doctoral Network TRACES