TRACES | TRAining the next generation iCE researcherS

Pavlos Stratakos

Pavlos Stratakos

Experimental study of the initial phase of ice crystal accretion

WP1, WP2

Why is ice crystal icing a problem for aircraft engines?🧊

 Ice crystal icing occurs when an aircraft engine takes in tiny solid ice crystals from the atmosphere. These crystals are typically found at high altitudes, around 22,000 feet, where temperatures drop below -40°C.‧ ❄️ 🌨️⋅
Once inside the engine, the ice crystals may damage the compressor blades, disrupt the combustion process, and reduce engine efficiency. In severe cases, this can compromise the safety of the aircraft.⚠️

➡️During his PhD project, Pavlos will experimentally investigate how these ice crystals behave within the engine, including how they adhere to surfaces🧊⛆. By identifying the conditions that lead to ice build-up, the research aims to develop solutions to prevent or reduce the impact of ice crystal icing, ultimately making aircraft engines safer and more efficient.

Individual Research Committee

Host Institution

Technische Universtät Braunschweig

Giuseppe Rosi

Joint Institution

Office National d’Etudes et de Researches Aérospatiales

Industrial Secondment

General Electric Deutschland Holding Gmbh


Safran Aerotechnics SAO-DSFF